

Universal Jurisdiction Panel Event Series: Participation and Representation of Victims in Universal Jurisdiction Cases 

January 30, 2025
Universal jurisdiction refers to the prosecution of individuals accused of committing atrocity crimes —regardless of where the crimes occurred or the nationality of the alleged perpetrators. This principle offers a broader avenue for holding individuals accountable for serious offences compared to traditional legal processes. In recent years, there has been a renewed interest among various...

Joint Statement by the International Legal and Human Rights Community on the Actions Against the Istanbul Bar Association

January 28, 2025
The international legal and human rights community is deeply concerned by prosecuting authorities’ recent criminal investigation and lawsuit against the Istanbul Bar Association, particularly its President, İbrahim Kaboğlu, and the executive board. These actions stem from a statement issued by the Bar Association on 21 December 2024, drawing attention to the deaths of journalists Nazım...

BHRC publishes event report on Parliamentary session “Hiding in Plain Sight-the extraordinary scale of human rights violations in Xinjiang, China”

July 25, 2019
On Wednesday 26th June 2019, the Bar Human Rights Committee in conjunction with the All Party Parliamentary Human Rights Group, held an important panel discussion in Parliament to consider the treatment of Turkic Muslims in the Xinjiang region of China and to explore how to hold China to account for human rights violations there. It...

BHRC appoints Baroness Helena Kennedy QC and Professors Christine Chinkin and Kevin Jon Heller to Advisory Board

June 20, 2019
BHRC has appointed three prominent international law experts to its advisory board, Baroness Helena Kennedy QC and Professors Christine Chinkin and Kevin Jon Heller.  BHRC’s Advisory Board is made up of previous BHRC Office Holders, senior members of the Bar and the judiciary, and individuals who have demonstrated outstanding commitment and/or service to the field...

BHRC & Garden Court highlighting the voices for women’s rights around the globe in event for International Women’s Day

March 7, 2019
In honour of International Women’s Day, the Bar Human Rights Committee and Garden Court Chambers co-hosted a panel discussion showcasing the work of human rights advocates and defenders fighting for women’s rights & women human rights defenders around the globe. Panellists included Rothna Begum, senior researcher of the Women’s Rights Division of Human Rights Watch, who...

BHRC announces speakers for Bar Conference

October 2, 2017
BHRC is excited to announce the speakers for our panel entitled “In the middle of our own historical wrong: the plight of refugees.” Lord Alfred Dubs, actor and activist Vanessa Redgrave and the former President of the UK Upper Tribunal, Immigration and Asylum Chambers Mr Justice Bernard McCloskey. The panel will be chaired by BHRC...

BHRC to Host Panel on Child Refugees at Annual Bar Conference

July 27, 2017
BHRC will host a panel discussion on the continuing challenges faced by child refugees of the Syrian crisis and the role of barristers in responding to this ongoing disaster. This discussion will cover everything from the Dubs Amendment in the UK to BHRC’s fact-finding mission to the Jungle camps of Calais as well as broader...