During the second week of October 2014, the BHRC turned its attention to Zimbabwe by holding two inspiring events featuring renowned Zimbabwean human rights lawyers. The first event was a visit from David Coltart, a human rights lawyer from Zimbabwe who has represented many people facing politically motivated prosecutions throughout the years of Robert Mugabe’s rule. In the...

The BHRC makes public a Summary of Proceedings of the event “Spotlight on the Bangladesh International Crimes Tribunal” that took place on Monday 18 March 2013 at the Houses of Parliament, Lords’ Committee Room 4. Please note that this is not a verbatim transcript of the proceedings, but a summarised note. The meeting was hosted by Lord Avebury and...

Vice Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Human Rights Group and Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Mexico, Jeremy Corbyn MP, hosted the launch event on Wednesday 7 November at the House of Commons, London, UK for the new BHRC report Addendum to “Recalling the Rule of Law” 2010 Report of the BHRC delegation to Mexico 2009. The panel of speakers was comprised...

The Russian Judiciary – Priorities for Change in a New Decade   Meeting: Monday 8 February, 6pm Drinks reception to follow Garden Court Chambers, 57-60 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2A 3LJ     There is growing disquiet, in Europe and elsewhere, that democracy and civil liberties in Russia are being weakened. Increasing state control of...