BHRC has published an open letter to the Prime Minister of Nepal raising concern  for the government’s response to the death of 66 people, including 10 police officers in the Terai region of Nepal in 2015 and 2016. The protests began in the final weeks of Nepal’s protracted constitution drafting process. In the aftermath of the devastating earthquake which...

Russia’s leading human rights organisation, Memorial, suffers an arson attack on its Ingushetia office just one week after the arrest of its Chechnya director. In the early morning hours of 17 January, masked arsonists destroyed the Ingushetia office of Russia’s leading human rights organisation, Memorial. The Ingushetia office opened in 2000 as people fled Chechnya to escape the...

BHRC has released a statement calling for the immediate release of and production of evidence against Li Yuhan, a Chinese lawyer known to have defended numerous human rights cases over 26 years in practice. BHRC also calls upon the Chinese authorities to affirm, enforce and ensure full respect for fundamental rights of human rights defenders...

The Bar Human Rights Committee of England and Wales has welcomed the news that Ibrahim Halawa has been released from prison in Egypt and has returned to his family in Ireland after being acquitted of all charges against him, following over four years in detention in Cairo. Mr. Halawa was arrested as a 17-year-old child...