Bar Human Rights Committee and Bar Council urge Theresa May to raise Turkish human rights concerns in Erdoğan meeting

The Bar Human Rights Committee and the Bar Council have today urged Prime Minister Theresa May to address ongoing human rights violations in Turkey when she meets with President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on Saturday. In an open letter to the Prime Minister, BHRC and the Bar Council highlight the systematic persecution of lawyers and judges...

The Bar Human Rights Committee of England and Wales has today joined international human rights organisations in condemning the killing of Syrian civilians during fighting in Aleppo. Yesterday, the UN Human Rights Office cited reports of 82 civilians (including 24 women and children) being killed by advancing government forces: many of them are reported to...

The Bar Human Rights Committee of England and Wales has expressed its grave concern over the arrest yesterday of prominent Egyptian lawyer and human rights defender Azza Soliman. Ms. Soliman was arrested by Egyptian police at her home on the morning of 7 December, following an arrest warrant issued by the investigative judge in Egypt’s...

BHRC publishes 2014-15 Biennial Report

The Bar Human Rights Committee’s 2014-15 Biennial Report has been published today. This report provides a detailed overview of BHRC’s recent work, including the development of anti-FGM protection orders in the UK, research into torture and sexual violence in Sri Lanka, statements and letters of concern over ongoing human rights abuses, and human rights and law...

Bar Human Rights Committee publishes Interim Report on trial of Turkish journalists

The Bar Human Rights Committee of England & Wales has today published an interim Trial Observation Report, highlighting apparent breaches  of international human rights law in the prosecution of several Turkish journalists from the daily newspaper Taraf. BHRC’s report, written by barrister and international law expert Gráinne Mellon, provides analysis of a preliminary hearing in...

BHRC witnesses child rights abuses during demolition of Calais refugee camps

Representatives of the Bar Human Rights Committee of England and Wales have found serious flaws in legal procedure and in child protection during the demolition of the “Jungle” refugee camp in Calais and the removal of its residents, with apparent breaches of child rights law by both the UK and French governments. BHRC Chairwoman Kirsty...

BHRC leads international outcry over treatment of Egyptian lawyers and human rights defenders

The Bar Human Rights Committee of England & Wales (BHRC) has spoken out today on behalf of lawyers facing persecution in Egypt, supported by an international coalition of Bar Associations, Law Societies and other human rights organisations. In an open letter to President Sisi, BHRC condemns Egypt’s ongoing arrests and detention of lawyers, excessive and...

BHRC expresses concern over freezing of Egyptian human rights defenders’ assets

The Bar Human Rights Committee of England and Wales has expressed its concern over the decision of the Egyptian courts to freeze the assets of human rights defenders. On Saturday 17th September, the Zeinhom Criminal Court took the decision to freeze the personal and organisational bank accounts of leading human rights defenders, including Hossam Bahgat (see...