From 16th-19th September 2012 the United Nations Human Rights Council in conjunction with the World Council of Churches held an international hearing on the misuse of the blasphemy law in Pakistan. Zimran Samuel, BHRC member, attended the session on behalf of the Bar Human Rights Committee of England and Wales. Read Zimran Samuel’s report here

We hope to work with as many of you as possible and always welcome your feedback and ideas, so please do not hesitate to get in contact with the BHRC Project Coordinator, Illari Aragon.   Read the full bulletin here.

We hope to work with as many of you as possible and always welcome your feedback and ideas, so please do not hesitate to get in contact with the BHRC Project Coordinator, Illari Aragon.   Read the full bulletin here.

We hope to work with as many of you as possible and always welcome your feedback and ideas, so please do not hesitate to get in contact with the new BHRC Project Coordinator, Illari Aragon.   Read the full bulletin here.

In 2011, the BHRC submitted an Amicus Curiae (English) to the Colombian Constitutional Court regarding the annulment of the decision taken by Colombia’s Constitutional Court (7-769/2009) in the Muriel Mining Corporation Case. The brief deals with the international jurisprudence regarding the right to consultation and prior informed consent of the communities affected by large scale projects. See the Amicus...