On 16 February 2012, the BHRC issued a statement following the arrest of Malawian lawyer and former Attorney-General Mr Ralph Kasambara, and the circumstances around his then-ongoing detention in prison. Following the press release, BHRC Vice-Chair Kirsty Brimelow QC was interviewed by Malawian radio stations and the BBC World Service.

The Bar Human Rights Committee (BHRC) expresses deep concern at the decision of the Iraqi government to transform Camp Liberty, a former US base in Baghdad into a temporary prison to house Camp Ashraf residents. The residents of Camp Ashraf, situated 60km North of Baghdad in the Diyala province of Iraq, are Iranian refugees, all...

As part of a Child Rights Unit (CRU) project with UNICEF, the BHRC prpvides case managment support to members of the Child Protection Network (CPN) in Nigeria. If you are a member of the CPN and would like to request assistance from the BHRC please complete the case request form and email it to bhrc@compuserve.com.   CPN case support...

‘Two thousand and ten – 2011 continued to be momentous years for the Bar Human Rights Committee (BHRC). Throughout the last two years the Committee has continued to work on ful lling its mandate in seeking to protect persecuted lawyers, judges and human rights defenders around the world, as well as promoting respect for the...