This worksheet is part of a series of resources compiled for the Niger Delta Child Rights Watch (NDCRW) Project. The worksheets are primarily designed to enhance the case management capacity of the NDCRW project partners, but may also provide useful insights to practitioners working with children in different capacities and jurisdictions   View the Logbook here.

This worksheet is part of a series of resources compiled for the Niger Delta Child Rights Watch (NDCRW) Project. The worksheets are primarily designed to enhance the case management capacity of the NDCRW project partners, but may also provide useful insights to practitioners working with children in different capacities and jurisdictions.   View the Logbook here.

This worksheet is part of a series of resources compiled for the Niger Delta Child Rights Watch (NDCRW) Project. The worksheets are primarily designed to enhance the case management capacity of the NDCRW project partners, but may also provide useful insights to practitioners working with children in different capacities and jurisdictions.   View the Logbook here.

This worksheet is part of a series of resources compiled for the Niger Delta Child Rights Watch (NDCRW) Project. The worksheets are primarily designed to enhance the case management capacity of the NDCRW project partners, but may also provide useful insights to practitioners working with children in different capacities and jurisdictions.   View the Logbook here.

Between 17 and 24 September, a BHRC delegation conducted a fact-finding mission in Mexico to follow up on the findings and recommendations of the the 2010 report “Recalling the Rule of Law” as well consider developments in relation to matters pertaining to the rule of law since the last BHRC visit at the end of 2009.  ...

The Commonwealth Lawyers Association (CLA) and the Bar Human Rights Committee (BHRC) refer to their previous statement in relation to Pakistan of 21 April 2011. In that statement, it was observed that there is an atmosphere of fear and intimidation surrounding th blasphemy laws in Pakistan. Since April 2011, the situation in Pakistan with respect to the blasphemy laws...

Motion for waiver of time and leave to file amicus curiae brief and brief of the bar human right committee of England and Wales, the international bar association’s human rights institute, the law society of England and Wales, and the Spanish society for international human rights law (asociación española para el derecho internacional d los derechos humanos) in support of petitioner.   Read the full amicus...