Prime Minister Jhala Nath Khanal Office of the Prime Minister Singh Durbar Kathmandu Nepal SENT BY FAX AND POST London, 18 February 2011 Dear Prime Minister, RE: The seventh anniversary of Maina Sunuwar I am writing on behalf of the Bar Human Rights Committee of England and Wales (BHRC). The BHRC is the international human rights...

BHRC strongly urges the Belarusian authorities to guarantee in all circumstances the physical and psychological integrity of Mr Sapelko and Ms Busko, and in general all threatened lawyers, in order to preserve the independence and integrity of the administration of justice. Alexander Bileychik First Deputy Minister Ministry of Justice 10 Kollektornaya str 220004 Minsk Belarus...

Lic. José Francisco Blake Mora Secretaría de Gobernación Bucareli 99, 1er. piso, Col. Juárez, Del. Cuauhtémoc, México D.F., C.P.06600, México SENT BY FAX AND EMAIL London, 20 November 2010 Dear Attorney General, I write on behalf of the Bar Human Rights Committee (“BHRC”) regarding the decision of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (“Inter-American Court,” or...

Votre Excellence, Atteinte à la liberté de rassemblement et répression de protestation pacifique Le Comité des Droits de l’Homme du Barreau de l’Angleterre et du Pays de Galles est le bras international des droits de l’homme du Conseil du Barreau de l’ Angleterre et du Pays de Galles. C’est un corps indépendant qui a pour...