The Bar Human Rights Committee joins the Bar Council in its concerns over the arrest of Professor Erlinder in Kigali The Bar Human Rights Committee, the international human rights arm of the Bar of England and Wales, joins the calls of the Bar Council for the charges against Professor Erlinder to be abandoned and for his immediate release...

President of Zimbabwe Mr. Robert G. Mugabe Office of the President Private Bag 7700, Causeway, Harare Zimbabwe London, 29 April 2010 Dear President Mugabe, RE: Women and Men of Zimbabwe Arise The Bar Human Rights Committee of England and Wales is the international human rights arm of the Bar of England and Wales. It is...

Fernando Francisco Gómez-Mont Urueta Secretaría de Gobernación Bucareli 99, 1er. piso, Col. Juárez, Del. Cuauhtémoc, México D.F., C.P.06600 MÉXICO London, 22 April 2010 Dear Fernando Francisco Gómez-Mont Urueta RE: Organizacion del Pueblo Indígena Me’phaa /Organisation of the Me’phaa Indigenous Peoples The Bar Human Rights Committee of England and Wales is the international human rights arm...

Dorian Lovell-Pank QC (BHRC), Phil Haywood (BHRC), Kirsty Brimelow (BHRC), Alirio Uribe (CCAJAR), Jacqueline Macalesher (BHRC), Lucia Obregon (Translator), Sudhanshu Swaroop (BHRC) and David Feller (CCAJAR). In September 2009, the BHRC led  a delegation of human rights lawyers to Colombia to take part in a training seminar on international human rights law. The members of...

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: TUESDAY 12 MAY 2009 LAWYERS CALL FOR URGENT ACTION ON JUVENILE DETAINEES HELD IN GUANTANAMO BAY The Bar Council, the Law Society, the Criminal Bar Association, the Commonwealth Lawyers’ Association and the Bar Human Rights Committee have today called on the Attorney General of the United States of America to take urgent...