BHRC In Brief

Giving voice and visibility for BHRC members through practice-oriented articles and legal analysis


Interested in contributing? 

We welcome submissions of up to 1000 words from members of the Bar Human Rights Committee of England & Wales. We may, from time to time and at our discretion, invite guest contributions from individuals outside of the Executive Committee, Advisory Board or membership of the BHRC. 

Contributions should be submitted by email to, with ‘Blog Contribution’ and the contributing member name/s clearly stated in the subject line. Please also submit a brief biography (no more than 150 words) and a high-resolution headshot to accompany your submission. 

Please ensure that your submission is original and does not infringe the copyright of any third party or is appropriately credited with citations formatted to OSCOLA standard. BHRC reserves the right to decline to publish a contribution for any reason and will not enter into correspondence about contributions that have been declined as the decision of BHRC is final.