

China – BHRC welcomes international actions condemning treatment of Uighur peoples in Xinjiang

November 4, 2019
BHRC has issued a public statement welcoming two recent developments in the international community condemning the treatment of Uighur peoples in Xingiang. It is estimated that over 1 million Uighurs and other Turkic Muslims are being detained in “political education camps”, with millions more subject to restrictions on their liberty. BHRC is deeply concerned that lawyers...

BHRC publishes event report on Parliamentary session “Hiding in Plain Sight-the extraordinary scale of human rights violations in Xinjiang, China”

July 25, 2019
On Wednesday 26th June 2019, the Bar Human Rights Committee in conjunction with the All Party Parliamentary Human Rights Group, held an important panel discussion in Parliament to consider the treatment of Turkic Muslims in the Xinjiang region of China and to explore how to hold China to account for human rights violations there. It...

On eve of human rights advocate’s trial, BHRC calls on China to release detained lawyers and human rights defenders

August 14, 2017
BHRC has published a statement raising serious concern over the continued detention of human rights defenders in China and their inability to access defence lawyers of their choosing, particularly Wang Quanzhang, the longest-detained lawyer of the 709 Crackdown, and Wu Gang, an administrative assistant and human rights  advocate whose trial is scheduled to begin today. Wang Quanzhang...

Bar Human Rights Committee writes to Chinese President in response to mass arrests of lawyers and human rights defenders in China

July 17, 2015
The Bar Human Rights Committee of England and Wales (BHRC) has sent an open letter to the President of China following the recent wave of arrests of lawyers and human rights defenders in the country. These people are reportedly accused of causing social chaos through open defiance in the courtroom, on the internet and organising...