

Rapport expose au grand jour des violations du droit international commises par l’Égypte lors du procès d’Aya Hegazy

November 17, 2016
Le rapport d’EuroMed Droits, du Comité des droits de l’Homme du barreau en Angleterre et au pays de Galles (BHRC) et de l’Institut du Caire pour l’étude des droits de l’homme (CIHRS) expose au grand jour des violations du droit international commises par l’Égypte lors du procès d’Aya Hegazy LONDRES/BRUXELLES/LE CAIRE, 16 NOVEMBRE : un nouveau rapport d’observation...

Bar Human Rights Committee welcomes release of Egyptian lawyer Malek Adly

September 5, 2016
The Bar Human Rights Committee of England and Wales has today issued a statement welcoming the release of Egyptian lawyer Malek Adly. Mr. Adly was released from jail on 28 August, having been detained since May 2016 for criticising the Egyptian government’s decision to grant Saudi Arabia control of two islands in the Red Sea....

Concerns over detention of Egyptian lawyers

May 16, 2016
The Bar Human Rights Committee of England and Wales have issued a statement today expressing serious concerns over the arrest and arbitrary detention of several Egyptian lawyers, human rights defenders and journalists, as Egyptian security forces continue to silence criticism of the state. BHRC have specifically criticised the sentencing of 152 people on 14 May...

BHRC expresses serious concern at the arbitrary detention of Egyptian journalist Hossam Bahgat

November 12, 2015
The Bar Human Rights Committee of England and Wales (BHRC) expresses serious concern at the arbitrary detention of the Egyptian journalist and leading human rights defender, Mr Hossam Bahgat. Although we welcome his release, announced on Tuesday, the unclear circumstances of his detention, interrogation and the charges brought against him, continue to raise concerns. Mr...