

Joint letter to President Erdoğan of Turkey on the mass arrest of lawyers in Ankara

September 17, 2020
Your Excellency, The undersigned organisations have learned of the arrest of approximately 55 lawyers and trainee-lawyers in Ankara. According to the information received, on 11 September 2020, the Ankara Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office issued detention warrants for approximately 55 lawyers and trainee-lawyers for being “members of a terrorist organization”. Their offices and places of residence were...

Statement: Political prisoners in Turkey in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic

April 3, 2020
BHRC has issued a public statement expressing serious concern that draft legislation in Turkey, which aims to prevent the spread of COVID-19 across prisons and detention centres, contains a blanket exclusion of political prisoners. These include thousands of civil servants, lawyers, politicians, activists, and journalists whom Turkey has detained, prosecuted and convicted in the period since...

BHRC Chair Schona Jolly QC’s response to the alarming development in the case of Ahmet Altan in Turkey

November 12, 2019
BHRC has today received information that: A judge reviewed an application for the re-arrest of Ahmet Altan, one of Turkey’s most well-known writers, just over a week after his release pending appeal on Monday November 4.  Altan had in effect served over three years in pre-trial detention.  The Prosecutor in the case sought his re-arrest,...

BHRC: The “Gezi Park” trial continues on 8 October 2019 with the ongoing detention of Osman Kavala in Turkey

October 22, 2019
BHRC: The “Gezi Park” trial continues on 8 October 2019 with the ongoing detention of Osman Kavala in Turkey BHRC has issued a public statement renewing its condemnation of the use of terror charges and prolonged detention as reprisals over the “Gezi Park” trial of sixteen leading civil society individuals, including Osman Kavala and Yiğit Aksakoğlu, following the...

BHRC trial report on latest stage of Selahattin Demirtaş v Turkey confirms ECtHR finding that continued detention is politically motivated

September 2, 2019
The Bar Human Rights Committee of England and Wales has published its interim report in the ongoing cases of Selahattin Demirtaş v Turkey and Veysel Ok v Turkey.  Mr Demirtaş is the well-known former member of the Turkish Grand National Assembly (Parliament) and Presidential candidate of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), Turkey’s third largest political...

BHRC joins International Coalition of Legal Organisations raising concern for Turkey’s lawyers and judges

July 18, 2019
BHRC is part of an international coalition of legal organisations who have submitted a joint Stakeholder Submission to the UN Human Rights Council’s Universal Periodic Review for Turkey. Alongside BHRC, the coalition includes the Law Society of England & Wales; International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute; Bar Human Rights Committee of England & Wales; Conseil...

BHRC: The “Gezi Park” trial forms part of a chilling clampdown on human rights defenders and civil society in Turkey.

July 17, 2019
BHRC has issued a public statement raising serious concern over the “Gezi Park” trial of sixteen leading civil society individuals, including Osman Kavala and Yiğit Aksakoğlu, which resumes tomorrow in Istanbul. BHRC Chair, Schona Jolly QC, observed the opening of the trial in June 2019 and will continue to monitor the trial this week through our...