

Submission of an amicus brief to the Colombian Constitutional Court

July 28, 2011
Submission of an amicus brief to the Colombian Constitutional Court with regards to prior consent of communities affected by major mining or other economic projects to be conducted on their lands or territories. ‘This amicus curiae was submitted to the Colombian Constitutional Court regarding the annulment of the decision taken by Colombia’s Constitutional Court Seventh Revision Chamber ...

BHRC expresses its concern regarding the safety and privacy of Luis Guillermo Perez Casas, lawyer and member of the ‘Jose Alvear Restrepo’ Lawyers’ Collective, who will return to Colombia on 30 July following 10 years in exile

July 21, 2010
S.E. Álvaro Uribe Vélez Secretaría de Gobernación Presidente de la República, Carrera 8 # 7-26 Palacio de Nariño Santa Fe de Bogotá. Colombia London, 21 July 2010 Dear President Uribe RE: Luis Guillermo Peréz Casas I am writing on behalf of the Bar Human Rights Committee of England and Wales (BHRC). The BHRC is the...

Colombia Delegation

September 2, 2009
Dorian Lovell-Pank QC (BHRC), Phil Haywood (BHRC), Kirsty Brimelow (BHRC), Alirio Uribe (CCAJAR), Jacqueline Macalesher (BHRC), Lucia Obregon (Translator), Sudhanshu Swaroop (BHRC) and David Feller (CCAJAR). In September 2009, the BHRC led  a delegation of human rights lawyers to Colombia to take part in a training seminar on international human rights law. The members of...

BHRC write to Presidente Alvaro Uribe Velez of Colombia regarding the indictment and trial of Jorge Aurelio Noguera Cotes in connection with the mass killing of trade unionists, human rights defenders and politicians

June 12, 2009
Dear President, The Bar Human Rights Commitee of England and Wales (BHRC) is the international human rights arm of the Bar of England and Wales. It is an independent body concerned with defending the rule of the law and internationally recognised legal standards relating to human rights, in particular the right to a free trade....

Day of the Endangered Lawyer 2021

January 21, 2021
On 24 January the Bar Human Rights Committee (BHRC) is proud to be taking part in the 11th annual Day of the Endangered Lawyer (DOTEL). I am an Executive Committee member of BHRC, and the European Lawyers for Democracy and Human Rights (ELDH, in 21 countries), of which I am President, has been a co-organiser...